There's a few people using my script to normalise the data in their RaceChrono CSV files, so I thought I'd start a topic specifically for it. I've released v1.5G today.[P]
Download it here[P]
Normalises OBD throttle data from 0-100%
Calculates braking effort based on longitudinal acceleration
Estimates current gear based on RPM and speed data[P]
I have been editing them out but that's a pain.
If rcn is calculating the braking from the g column and there were erroneous samples wouldn't that affect the entire range and bring braking below what it should be?
So I decided to pre-edit them before your process. After doing this, the file would not run through rcn.
Here is a link to the original that works fine and the edited that does not
Any idea how I can edit these without this happening?
Open those two files in Notepad and you'll see immediately that they're very different. Have you changed them in Excel? There's lots of extra quotes in there, which break the way RCnormalise works. It's just a simple script, so it gets confused by non-standard data. Could you do your editing after RCnormalise has been used?
If you want 1g to be the maximum braking effort, then set that in the app. It will normalise based on that and anything over 1g will be set as maximum braking. There's no need to pre-filter the braking field to remove the erroneous samples, just set your value appropriately.
I edited them in OpenOffice/win7. In that and Excel/Mac they appear exactly the same but in notepad I see what you mean. I will have to find out why. Thanks for looking in to this.
Right now I believe rcn takes "longitudinal acceleration (g)" and converts the negative values in to % and inserts them in to a new columns "brake flag" This works well for me.
Is there a way to do the same for throttle like taking "longitudinal acceleration (g)" and converting the positive values in to % and inserting them in to the "throttle position (%)" column? The purpose for this is to get a better simulated bar graph of throttle when you have a file without obd2 data.
Could this be an easily added option on the current build 1.4 or is there a trick that could use the current build and get this by changing the positive values in the column to negative then running the script then cut and pasting???
and trick or workaround appreciatedÂ
Yes, it's possible to add this functionality. It's not going to be truly accurate though for several reasons. The problem revolves around the fact that you are measuring acceleration, which is roughly proportional to the torque at the wheels. The torque varies throughout the rev range and decreases when you change up a gear. Not to mention the increasing aero load at speed. It's possible to add an indicative figure, but its accuracy will be poor at best.
What I'm more interested in at the moment is removing some of the noise. There is noise in both the bearing and speed data, which is then used to derive the G data. This results in a large amount of noise in the lateral G data, hence the hard limit bodges I implemented in RCnormalise. I've used the smoothing function in Excel graphs to remove some noise, which works well. I'm also writing a few features in Driving Mirror, the magazine for Bristol Motor Club, which will describe some of the things you can do with simple GPS-based data, RaceChrono and Excel and show some of my workflows. You can subscribe until the end of 2011 for less than 30USD.
Is there a download link for RCNormalise?
i've tried to download last RCnormalise, but link does not work. have you a new one, or may you send directly to my email?
thanks a lot for support