Iblue data import

Hey guys,

today had a first try with the iblue on the track. when i fetch data trough gps photo tagger all data seems to be there and he creates the track. I than used bt747 to export NMEA file and i get this output :


when i import in Racechrono it says data imported but shows up with 0 laps etc...
I read that version 1.4 should be able to import iblue files, am I doing something wrong ?


  • Rebuild the bin file now to NMEA with gpsbabel and now it works ! :)
    NMEA looks like this now :

  • Seems like the GPS babel fills out the gaps (missing fields). You may want to enable logging of heading (bearing), altitude and speed on the iBlue. Not sure how but I've heard it's possible.
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