I wanted to work on my track video from my PC.
Everything work fine until last step when I launch the video export. (if I try the exact same export from my phone it works)
Does anyone had this issue ?
Is there a way on racechrono to know why the export failed ? (Only the video export seems to fail, tried quality and hardware accelaration, no diif)
Any idea what the issue is ?
3 nov. 2022 12:47:36 PM Input video format: {mime=video/hevc, frame-rate=50, rotation=0, rotation-degrees=0, track-id=1, profile=1, width=2704, height=1520, max-input-size=576511, durationUs=708000000, csd-0=java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=93 cap=93], level=65536}
3 nov. 2022 12:47:36 PM Bitrate: frame height = 1520
3 nov. 2022 12:47:36 PM Bitrate: retry = 0
3 nov. 2022 12:47:36 PM Bitrate: quality = 3
3 nov. 2022 12:47:36 PM Bitrate: quality multiplier = 2.0
3 nov. 2022 12:47:36 PM Bitrate: hw max = 3000000
3 nov. 2022 12:47:36 PM Bitrate: retry multiplier = 1.0
3 nov. 2022 12:47:36 PM Bitrate: guesstimated max = 40000000
3 nov. 2022 12:47:36 PM Bitrate: brute force bitrate = 40000000
3 nov. 2022 12:47:36 PM Bitrate: using bitrate = 40000000
3 nov. 2022 12:47:36 PM Output video format: {width=2704, height=1520, bitrate=40000000, mime=video/avc, frame-rate=50, i-frame-interval=10, color-format=2130708361}
3 nov. 2022 12:47:36 PM Input audio format: {mime=audio/mp4a-latm, aac-profile=2, channel-count=2, track-id=2, bitrate=48000, max-input-size=605, durationUs=707989333, csd-0=java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=5 cap=5], sample-rate=48000, max-bitrate=48000}
3 nov. 2022 12:47:36 PM Output audio format: {pcm-encoding=2, aac-profile=2, mime=audio/mp4a-latm, channel-count=2, bitrate=192000, max-input-size=0, sample-rate=48000}
3 nov. 2022 12:47:36 PM Input format: {mime=video/hevc, frame-rate=50, rotation=0, rotation-degrees=0, track-id=1, profile=1, width=2704, height=1520, max-input-size=576511, durationUs=708000000, csd-0=java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=93 cap=93], level=65536}
3 nov. 2022 12:47:36 PM Input format: {mime=audio/mp4a-latm, aac-profile=2, channel-count=2, track-id=2, bitrate=48000, max-input-size=605, durationUs=707989333, csd-0=java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=5 cap=5], sample-rate=48000, max-bitrate=48000}
3 nov. 2022 12:47:36 PM General failure
3 nov. 2022 12:47:36 PM java.lang.IllegalStateException
at android.media.MediaCodec.native_dequeueOutputBuffer(Native Method)
at android.media.MediaCodec.dequeueOutputBuffer(MediaCodec.java:2570)
at o.DefaultAnalyticsCollector$$ExternalSyntheticLambda44.write(:236)
at o.DefaultAnalyticsCollector$$ExternalSyntheticLambda45.read(:23287)
at o.createExtractors.AudioAttributesCompatParcelizer(:256)
at o.format.run(:110)
3 nov. 2022 12:47:36 PM Closing failure
3 nov. 2022 12:47:36 PM java.lang.IllegalStateException
at android.media.MediaCodec.native_stop(Native Method)
at android.media.MediaCodec.stop(MediaCodec.java:2007)
at o.DefaultAnalyticsCollector$$ExternalSyntheticLambda44.Mp4Extractor$Flags(:279)
at o.DefaultAnalyticsCollector$$ExternalSyntheticLambda43.getTrackIndexOfNextReadSample(:236)
at o.DefaultAnalyticsCollector$$ExternalSyntheticLambda45.read(:205)
at o.createExtractors.AudioAttributesCompatParcelizer(:256)
at o.format.run(:110)
I know the original post is nearly two years old, but I'm new to RaceChrono and have the same issue, and hoping that a workaround may have been found by OP ?
I didn't found the "save debug logs" option, but have the same behaviour : video export with overlay always fails instantly on BlueStacks 5 ( P64) emulating a Samsung S22 Ultra. Tried with Android Pie and Android 11, same behaviour.
I know the input files are very high res (GoPro 11, 4k recording), and I tried every output quality settings without any change. I also tried exporting only one lap, but same issue. On Android Pie, I tried in both hardware and software mode, same issue.
So I'm guessing it's definitely the high definition that cause the issue, and a workaround is to export the overlay with a blue screen and editing it on the 4K GoPro footage with an editing software.