Problem with Racechrono diy/Arduino

I'm using aollin racechrono library on esp32S3 connected to racechrono via BLE. My monitors are the following :
'struct strmon monitors[] = {

{ "Speed", "channel(device(gps), speed)*10.0", 0.1 },
{ "Altitude", "channel(device(gps), altitude)", 1.0 },
{ "Curr lap nb", "channel(device(lap), lap_number)", 1.0 },
{ "Curr lap time", "channel(device(lap), lap_time)*10.0", 0.1 },
{ "Sector time", "channel(device(lap), sector_time)*10.0", 0.1 },
{ "Sector distance", "channel(device(lap), sector_distance)*10.0", 0.1 },
{ "Total race time", "channel(device(lap), total_race_time)*10.0", 0.1 },
{ "Total race distance", "channel(device(lap), total_race_distance)*10.0", 0.1 },
i have managed to retrieve data like speed, lap number; altitude and total race time and distance.
but it doesn't works for sector_time and sector_distance.
Am i using the correct device (devide(lap)) ?
Thanks in advance


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