Is this a 5hz Logfile?


i have logged my first File with HTC HD2 and Qstarz BT818x. Qstarz was enabled on 5hz. -General Settings in RC 1.4 was: Speicherkarte (micro SD Card)
-GPS Receiver: Bluetooth GPS
-OBD2 Reader: Disabled
-Data Logger: Disabled
-High/Low Speedstreshold: 5m/s
-Accelaration Limit: 1,5G
-Braking Limit: 1,5G

Than I making a Videofile with Racechrono2avi.
I find, the G Dot/Point in dhe Video was not very "Slidy", he "jumps" from Point to Point.
Is this normal by 5hz? Or must i change my Settings?

Here is the first Part of my Nurburgring BTG File.

Lap #,Timestamp (s),Distance (m),Distance (km),Locked satellites,Latitude (deg),Longitude (deg),Speed (m/s),Speed (kph),Speed (mph),Altitude (m),Bearing (deg),Longitudinal Acceleration (G),Lateral Acceleration (G),X-position (m),Y-position (m),RPM (rpm),Throttle Position (%),Trap name
1,35175.100,522.357,0.522357,6,50.3436033,6.9600642,28.91,104.09,64.68,588.70,233.34,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,Start Antoniusbuche



  • It has timestamps .200 and .800 for the same second, which indicates to me that the GPS is in 5 Hz mode, but it is dropping some plots for a reason or other. Take a look at the GPS Time gauge in the Live Timer mode (change gauges by tapping on the gauge). It has a live Hz counter.
  • Hello aol,

    Today i tested the 1.4 Version on my Touch Diamond, here is the Logfile absolutley correct. (Timestamp 000,200, 400, 600, 800, .....)

    Than i erase the complete 1.4 with all Folders on my HD2, Install it new. In the Settings i search the Qstarz for a new Time.

    The Logfile of my new Session have the same Problems with the Timestamps.
    (000, 400, 800, 400, 600, 000,...irregular would be away)

    Have You also heard this from other users? Maybe i think, ist not a Problem of MY HD2 Phone?

    THX ...........speed_e
  • Have you tried to set the baudrate for the GPS (from RaceChrono settings). Try 38400 for instance. Missing sentences usually tell about too low baudrate. The default does not work in all cases (unfortunately).
  • Hello AOL,
    I tried all different Baudrates out, come it always the same Problem with the missing timestamps. Do you have still another idea, which I can make?
  • Sorry, I'm out of ideas right now.
  • i have the same problem with my HTC HD2 :(
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