check OBDII stream live

I had a few runs where the OBDII data was not present in the RC file when I got home...frustrating! I know I set the obdkey in the port and got the usual blue light and then I see the software check the bluetooth connection on start. Is there a way to see that it is taking the OBDdata in after starting the session?

If the car is turned off then on again would this stop the stream?

any info appreciated...tia


  • edited August 2010
    You can take a look at the OBD gauges on live timer view. Use left/right keys or tap the gauges to switch it. When OBD-II is recording, you should see at least the OBD-II time running.
  • I've heard people have dropouts when stopping the car, I can shut down and restart my car without losing OBD2 though, even without pausing my session.
  • Re-plugging the OBDII reader after re-starting the car usually helps if there's a dropout.
  • edited September 2010
    I have lost obd when shutting off the car and not lost it with other cars...I really never know so I just try not to disrupt it. With live timer, I now check that the gps is running 5hz and there is an obd stream after beginning the session...thanks!
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